Justice Warriors is a comic and IP created by Ben Clarkson with Matt Bors. It follows two cops, Swamp Cop and Schitt, officers with the Bubble City Police department, the last line of defence for the world's first perfect city. Bubble City is a domed mega-tropolis springing from the remnants of war, collapse, and high interest rates where crime has been eliminated and prosperity rules.
Outside the bubble wall however is a vast mega-slum, the UZ, the uninhabited zone, where uncounted masses live and toil in the shadow of the bubble. The Bubble city PD keeps watch over the UZ to guard against what might float to the surface of that ocean of crime.
Justice Warriors currently exists as a smash hit six issue mini-series from AHOY comics. It is co-written by Ben Clarkson and two time pulitzer finalist Matt Bors and drawn by Ben Clarkson.
Outside the bubble wall however is a vast mega-slum, the UZ, the uninhabited zone, where uncounted masses live and toil in the shadow of the bubble. The Bubble city PD keeps watch over the UZ to guard against what might float to the surface of that ocean of crime.
Justice Warriors currently exists as a smash hit six issue mini-series from AHOY comics. It is co-written by Ben Clarkson and two time pulitzer finalist Matt Bors and drawn by Ben Clarkson.
"This is the type of comic that comes around once in a while and reminds you what the form can achieve." - AIPT
"Bors and Clarkson do an amazing job of taking so many of our society’s ills and giving them the middle finger." - Graphic Policy
"10/10" - Comicbook.com
Buy it here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Justice-Warriors/Matt-Bors/9781952090226
"10/10" - Comicbook.com
Buy it here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Justice-Warriors/Matt-Bors/9781952090226